

  • Desde: 18/11/24
  • Hasta: 12/5/25
  • Campus de Valencia
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Presencial

Preinscripción desde el 7/10/24

Promovido por:
Centro de Lenguas

Responsable de la actividad:
Director/a Centro De Lenguas


Presencial Online Emisión en directo

120 horas

0 horas

0 horas


Grupo 1: lunes y miércoles: 15:00-17:30
Grupo 2: martes y jueves: 18:00-20:30

Lugar de impartición










120 h


0 h


Precio Colectivo
530 € Alumno UPV 
530 € Personal UPV 
530 € Alumni UPV PLUS 
265 €  Alumnos UPV que solicita beca LINGUAE(subir justificante)
530 €  Familiares de primer y segundo grado (Alumnado, AlumniPLUS y Personal UPV) así como vinculados a la UPV (trabajadores de concesiones, jubilados UPV) que tengan Carnet UPV en vigor
530,00 € - Alumno UPV
530,00 € - Alumni UPV PLUS
530,00 € - Personal UPV
No permitido - Público en general
530,00 € - Familiares de primer y segundo grado (Alumnado, AlumniPLUS y Personal UPV) así como vinculados a la UPV (trabajadores de concesiones, jubilados UPV) que tengan Carnet UPV en vigor
265,00 € - Alumnos UPV que solicita beca LINGUAE(subir justificante)


Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.

Profesorado pendiente de confirmar

Acción formativa dirigida a

Alumnado UPV, AlumniPlus UPV y Personal UPV.
Familiares primer y segundo grado de comunidad universitaria. Subir documentación requerida en matrícula.
Vinculados a la UPV con Carnet UPV en vigor.
Para solicitar la beca linguae, es necesario descargar y rellenar el documento que aparece en “otra documentación de interés” al final de esta página. Una vez eliges el precio de la beca, debes subir el documento a la inscripción.

Temas a desarrollar

1. Perfect forms.
2. Would.
3. Cleft sentences.
4. Conditionals 1, conditionals 2.
5. Noun phrases.
6. Wish and if only.
7. Passives
8. Auxiliaries
9. Continuous forms.
10. Modal auxiliaries.
11. Linking words and phrases.
12. Dramatic inversion.
13. Patterns after reporting verbs.
14. Relative clauses.
15. Prepositions.
16. Talking about the future.

1. City Life. Understanding vocabulary: emphasising and exaggerating. Recovering and change. Unverstanding vocabulary: Binomials.
2. Describing people. Understanding vocabulary: Phrasal verbs. Relationships.
3. Society and culture. Household objects. Understanding vocabulary: Words and phrases.
4. Consequences. Understanding vocabulary: “Ways of” verb groups. Elections and politics.
5. Nights out. Understanding vocabulary: Noun + of. Describing books.
6. Arguments and discussions. Conflict and resolution. Understanding vocabulary: Extended metaphors.
7. Talking about science. Understanding vocabulary: Forming nouns and adjectives. Statistics.
8. Describing scenery. Communicating. Animals. Understanding vocabulary: Compound adjectives.
9. Roles and tasks. Understanding vocabulary: Adverb-adjective collocations, the world of work.
10. Operations. Mind and body. Understanding vocabulary: nouns based on phrasal verbs.
11. Sports and events. Talking about gaming. Understanding vocabulary: Alliteration.
12. Personal histories. Understanding vocabulary: Similes. Historical events. Discussing arguments and theories.
13. Newspaper headlines. Understanding vocabulary: Common sayings.
14. How´s business? Understanding vocabulary: Loanwords. Business situations.
15. Style and fashion. Understanding vocabulary: Snowclones. Understanding vocabulary: Verb forms and word families.
16. Accidents and injuries. Laws and regulations. Understanding vocabulary: Synonyms.

1. Talking about cities. Urban myths.
2. Talking about people. A young man called Toby.
3. Talking about different cultures. A United Kingdom? Cultural identity.
4. What´s your opinion? Different types of vote.
5. Talking about nights out. Book clubs.
6. Resolving arguments. News stories.
7. Discussing science stories. The importance of statistics.
8. Holiday photos. Language and gender.
9. First day at work. David Bolchover’s conclusions. News stories about work.
10. Talking about surgical procedures. Doctors’ experiences.
11. Talking about sport. Word games and wordplay.
12. A remarkable life. The impact of World War II.
13. Talking about the news. Radio news bulletin.
14. Making small talk. A business meeting.
15. Talking about clothes and style. The fashion industry and body image.
16. Talking about accidents and injuries. Internet risks and problems.

1. Reinforcing and exemplifying a point.
2. Giving your impression.
3. Challenging overgeneralisations.
4. Giving opinions.
5. Commenting on what is said.
6. Defending and excusing.
7. Expressing surprise and disbelief.
8. Emphatic tags.
9. Making deductions.
10. Vague language.
11. Irony and humour.
12. Contextualised questions.
13. Rhetorical questions and common opinions.
14. Small talk.
15. Backtracking and correcting. Defining yourself.
16. Interjections.


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Otra documentación de interés